Home Treatments General & Preventive Dentistry

Routine Dental Exams

Regular dental check-ups are the key to maintaining good oral hygiene and health. They enable early detection of problems by your dentist who can then recommend preventive measures or treatments.

We recommend you get a dental exam once every 6 months.

How We Do It

At Orocare Dental Clinic, we want you to have a thorough and satisfying experience. During a comprehensive routine exam, Dr.Shashidhar will do any or all of the following:

  • Evaluate your overall health* and oral hygiene
  • Check your bite and jaw
  • Evaluate the risk of or the presence of tooth and root decay, and gum or bone disease
  • Check for damaged fillings, crowns, dentures or other prosthetic devices you may have
  • Take dental X-rays or perform other diagnostic procedures as necessary
  • Evaluate your need for treatment and create a treatment plan
  • Perform cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar and stains
  • Demonstrate proper home oral hygiene care(brushing/flossing)
  • Assess your fluoride need and perform topical fluoride applications if necessary
  • Counsel about diet, tobacco use and other lifestyle choices that affect oral health

*During a dental exam, your dentist will also inquire about your general health problems and medications and discuss how these might affect your oral health. For instance, diabetics are at increased risk of gum disease since diabetic medication contributes to a dry mouth which in turn increases the risk of tooth decay.

Dental X-rays

Extremely accurate diagnosis is important and is made possible if your dentist can view detailed images of your mouth. This is where dental X-rays play an important role. Several types of dental X-rays are available, including panoramic X-rays and cone beam computerized tomography X-rays (for 3-D view), and your dentist will decide which one is needed.

Oral Cancer Exam

During your dental exam, the dentist will also look for signs of oral cancer. This check-up involves the dentist feeling the area under your jaw, the sides of your neck, the insides of your lips and cheeks, the sides of your tongue, and the roof and floor of your mouth.

Dental Impression

The dentist may also recommend creating a dental impression of one or both of your jaws in order to produce a replica of your teeth and oral tissue. This helps the dentist to evaluate your bite or to prepare custom-made bleaching trays or a mouth guard (a protective device covering the teeth and gums to prevent and reduce injury).